History Background

Lusaka Vocational and Technical College formerly the Lusaka Vocational Training Centre (LVTC) was establish in 1997 under the Department of Technical Education and Vocational Training (DTVET) in the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Vocational Training (MSTVT). The mandate of the Institution is to provide technical and vocational training not only to Grade 12 school leavers but also to Grade 9 and drop-outs.

In 2021 the Ministry of Higher Education under which it then fell raised its status to a College and it became known as the Lusaka Vocational and Technical College.

In line with its official mandate, LVTC has so far equipped hundreds of graduates with first class technical and vocational training skills. And more recently, a large number of students have graduated in high-demand business courses.

Our Vision

To be a Skills Training Hub for Youths and National Development in a Dynamic Entrepreneurial Environment.

Our Mission

To provide relevant Skills in an evolving labour market to contribute to individual and National Development.

Our Mandate

To provide technical and vocational to Grade 12 school leavers and Grade 9 dropout.

Our Goal

To provide accessible quality technical, vocational and entrepreneurial Skills that will promote employment in both the formal and informal sectors of the economy.

Our Values

  • Accountability

  • Integrity

  • Teamwork

  • Respect

  • Excellence

  • Innovativeness

  • Transparency

  • Professionalism

  • Collaboration